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Sea of Grass

Since our beginning the direction of our breeding program has been to increase our customer's profit

Whether you:

  • sell your calf crop by the pound in the market
  • sell on the rail in a value based carcass program
  • need an increase in cows bred (fertility)
  • need an increase in longevity

We can offer customer data that proves "we are hitting the mark".

 ♦ The Weeks Ranch near Ness City, Ks recently shared the SHF sired calves weight 50 lbs more than their herdmates at weaning. 

♦ Charles Henderson from Vienna, Mo has shared the feedlot closeouts and carcass data showing a higher % marbling and carcass wt. 

♦ \EV Ranch near Rifle, Co has data showing a higher percent bred and improved longevity using our genetics. 

While these are specific examples, we can back these up with many other examples of results. 
All this is to show you that we can improve your bottom line with SHF genetics.